Do not expect ‘sympathy’ for your ‘sacrifices’. Newer versions of ‘world’ may not support these features.
The biggest problem for most of us is that the ‘world we were brought-up in’ and the ‘world we are living in’ are very different. The virtues that were once ‘celebrated’ are now no more ‘in trend’. But they have been installed so deeply into us that in spite of believing that we have rationalized our expectations, the truth is that we haven’t been able to let go of those ‘old values in the book’.
We still are suckers for ‘fairness’ and ‘poetic justice’. But the fact is that in many cases ‘power beats truth’…‘manipulation beats capability’…‘greed beats conscience’ – and that too hands-down! However, the problem is that though we know this happens, we still can’t stomach it without a burp. Yes! Though we pretend to shrug it off, we still go back home ‘sad and sullen’.
So then what to do about this dissonance? Well! Just remember… subscribing to old-world virtues is a choice you make. You could have opted to ‘let go’, but it was your choice to hold on to them. And every choice comes with consequences. So what’s the use of goodness if it makes you frustrated or cynical?
In other words…“when you choose a stand others don’t embrace… learn to accept the consequences with grace”. 🙂